Fire on Ilkley Moor

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British cinema on May

Fire on Ilkley Moor

Arrests have been made after a large fire took hold on moorland in West Yorkshire, police said.
Firefighters tackled a fire covering 25,000 sq m on Ilkley Moor on Saturday, with helicopters making water drops.
Bradford Council reiterated a warning for walkers to stay off the moors as crews were damping down.
The local authority called it a "full multi-agency response" with about 70 firefighters still in attendance on the moor.

Choir visit celebrates Ilkley's French Connection

Article du journal "Ilkley Gazette" 

Choir visit celebrates Ilkley's French Connection

Jacki Barson from Ilkley Moornotes Choir and Frances Hook from Appel Gospel Choir with Ilkley Mayor Steve Butler